Kids Learning Games : EMK Fun Lab Apps

Kids Counting Games : Kids 123 Counting Goobee 2.5.3
123 Learning Goobee is a set of unique educational kidscountinggames aimed at helping children learn countingnumbers.Interactions with a unique character (Goobee) will amusetoddlers,making them more eager and excited to learn. These gameshave beendeveloped for preschool and kindergarten children who arebeginningto become interested in basic counting numbers. All thenumberlearning games are designed in a way that automaticallyadjusts thelevel to match each child’s current learning level. As aresult,each game has the ability to help the child acquireknowledge inbasic counting, comparing, arranging, and addingnumbers. Teachingnumbers in a way that engages fun and creativity,children willsimply love playing these exciting toddler countinggames. TargetAge: 3 year old to 5 year old(preschool toddlers &children)Through the kids counting games, toddlers will be able to:- Learncounting numbers from one two and three. - Learn how towrite andtrace numbers. - Develop basic math skills. - Remember thenumericorder and the sequence of numbers. This numeric educationalgamefor toddlers has helped countless parents, teachers, and kidsfromall over the globe to practice precise learning at an earlyage. "Count How Many " - Basic Counting Numbers - A simple gamethat letspreschool kids to learn counting numbers one two andthree. Thegame starts from small numbers and gets more difficult asmorecorrect answers are provided. " Number Balance " - Comparison-Pick a tray with the same number of balls to match thebalance.Goobee goes off balance if the number is not matched, andchildrencan learn the numerical concept of greater than / less than/ equalto in numbers. " Number Sequence " - Number Sequencing - Afreegame to learn the order of numbers by picking theflagssequentially. When all the flags have been chosen in thecorrectorder, a picture will show up in the sand. "Magical Tracing"-Number Tracing - In this game, children can learn how to writefrom1 to 10 by tracing numbers. Goobee plays tricks with thedrawnfigures. ** 123 learning games below are included inadditionalgame pack ** " Touch and Count " - Pointing and Counting- Touchanimals and vegetables to learn basic counting. Kids canlearn thatthe counted numbers are irrelevant to the placement orthe order ofthings being counted. " Number Tower " - NumberSequencing greaterthan 10 - Stack the blocks in numerical order togo higher! Kidscan learn the concept of number ordering startingfrom 123 all theway up to 100 in this game(depending on settings).As the stack isbuilt up higher, children can eventually create atower thatreaches space! " Add the Numbers " - Simple Addition -Kids canlearn how to add in this game. Animated food items willhelp kidsto understand the basic concept of addition, both visuallyandintuitively. You may be able to find out what Goobee'sfavoritefood is in this game. " Shoot the Target " - Basic MathQuestions -By solving math questions such as comparing, counting,sequencingand adding, this game helps kids to develop essential,basic mathskills. Kids can apply these new skills throughout othergames inorder to answer more questions. High score will be recordedin thisgame to encourage children to continue learning.